At 2Act we support artistic and cultural dialogue in any imaginable way. We foster any activities that allow an inclusive, comprehensive understanding of human condition and aspiration in any cultural context. We are a place of free speech and artistic expression as long as they support the common inclusive understanding. 2Act is independent from any ideological and religious currant.
Wassim Ibrahim
Adam Góra
Jarosław Płonka
Wassim Ibrahim
Adam Góra
Jarosław Płonka
Michał Kuźmiński
Download the statute (in Polish)
Contact us
Fundacja 2Act
ul. Szpitalna 40/10
31–024 Kraków
NIP 676 257 72 15
REGON 385433999
KRS 0000826281
IBAN: 19 1870 1045 2078 1067 8631 0001